Hmmm...on Saturday night in houston we went to dinner with a bunch of friends from college and then hit up a new bar...well, more like a club. I don't know when the last time was that I went to a club! But, one of the single guys wanted to try this new one out so that is where we ended up! We had such an AWESOME time, but once we were home I think we were both thankful to not have to be in that "scene" any longer!! :0
our dinner friend!
me, tom kelley & melissa (nates sister), yes, I know-I look very "giggly"!
nate, tom and jon

some of the guys...
trying to keep away from jon! i'm glad melissa thought it was so funny! :)

charlie-yes he is in a band, me, jon & melissa
nate after closing out our tab, which took forever!!!