Wednesday, September 17, 2008


today was chloe's second day of school, as we were leaving I grabbed the camera and asked her to smile...this is what I got...

it looks like she is about to beat some kid up, lovely.

she had a great day at school though and I was AMAZED at how much I could get done while she was there! Don't worry Chloe, I missed you, but it was a lot easier getting in and out of stores! :0 tonight we met our friends from church at chick-fil-a.  it was deeeee-lish of course! here are some pictures!


Christy said...

i love the top picture! My little girl, Beatrice starts school tomorrow. I am so bummed...and excited - happy and sad!

amy said...

ha! I LOVE that face! Priceless. :) What a cutie!

kinsey said...

she is so cute! been reading your blog for awhile but don't think i've commented. i went to baylor with you and we were in a lot of the same edgy (education) classes together. right?? ha. anyway, chloe is precious!

Jamie said...

oh sweet sister - that first pic made me laugh out loud! hysterical funny chloe! she will be the class clown for sure. i am hoping and praying we get in for next year at SF!