Friday, September 5, 2008


So, last night we had our Coppell PanhellenicMeeting and found out we had soooo many girls go Chi-O! That's right all my Chi-O's out there...can I get a hoot,hoot?!  Last year we had only 5 girls from Coppell pledge Chi Omega at various schools...but so far this year we have 13! I got talked into being an officer again this year so it looks like I'll have to actually be better at showing up to the meetings! :) Hey, at least I made the first meeting, unlike my side-kick officer Katherine!! :) Just kidding, you had a good excuse!

the officers...minus a few

1 comment:

Jaime said...

Just so someone can do it, I'll give you a "hoot hoot!" hahaha. Adorable pics above of Chloe, btw. I LOVE the teacup pics. Carnival I guess?