Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Okay-so I am ordering some pictures for my "office" and I need your help! I just ordered this a 20x30 gallery wrap-yes, I am drooling just thinking about it! BUT...
I need your help deciding which of the bottom two is better! I am putting it in an old antique frame I got at Round Top years ago and it looks great both whatdoya think?! I feel like the first is a better picture, but the second one is "soooo chloe"! So...let me know what you think!!!  Vote on the poll to the right...


Ashley said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE the 2nd one! I think moms love to see pics that capture their sweet little personalitites so perfectly! The first one is really good but the other one will always remind of you what Chloe was like at this age!

emk said...

I agree with Ashley and also think that if you picked the first one, you'd have two examples of a little person in a bigger landscape since that's what the one you've already selected is, too. If you pick the second one, you can show off your more up-close and personal skills as well! :-)