last weekend we took chloe to the circus! she LOVEd it and so did we! we had second row seats so it felt like we were on stage with them! she was a little nervous at first but totally warmed up and had a blast! she said her favorite parts were the elephants, the motorcycles and when it rained (confetti) at the end! beware! there are LOTS of pictures! :)
the crazy pre-circus stuff

chloe and daddy

mommy, chloe & the lady with no pants

petting the pony

cotton candy!

miss america elephant lady

i loved these bouncing guys!

the crazy motorcycle guys! there were of them in there!!! i was SO afraid they were all going to crash and die & we were going to have to explain to chloe what happened!

this guy rode his motorcycle on the wire & swung him & that lady upside down!

ha! funny tigers waving!


the ring master-he reminded me of gaston from beauty & the beast

chloe loved the funny clown!

the trapeeze people!

yea! the elephants!

the "rain"

all done!