on friday we headed down to waco and went straight to ninfas-mmm! the waitress told us the wait was 2 1/2 hours! Wow! We figured we might as well try and wait and found a spot inside on the bench, got drinks and got to visit with old friends. Luckily the wait ended up being only about 30 minutes-phew! Afterwards we hit up the bonfire...we hadn't been to the bonfire since we were in college and it had changed so much! there were fireworks, carnival rides, food, and more. chloe loved hearing the band and seeing the football players but her favorite part by far was the fireworks! then we went to nates aunt and uncles house in woodway to catch up with them and spend the night! Saturday morning we went and watch the parade, ate at taco c, shopped at spice and then went by the georges tent to watch a bit of the game before heading to georges to eat-mmm! after a stop at common grounds and a walk around campus we were northbound 35! Can't wait for next year!! :)
sic em!
the fireworks..
at bonfire
it warmed us up! :)
chloe and kit
chi o's float
the bear!

here it comes!
chloe kept saying "he's soooo cute mommy!"
me and diane
one happy girl
anyone know why the lucky charm guy was there?!
being silly at georges
chloe and daddy at common grounds
she loves happy hour! :) okay maybe just sonic happy hour!
we could have sat on that swing forever! the weather was beautiful and we loved people watching!